Michal Michal


I have read in local news in Slovakia, that president Putin's health is getting worse. It sounds like informational preparation for possible assassination - poisoning and then can be said "yes, those health issues, those were known already". People will accept passing away naturally differently, then killing - assassination would strenghten Russian nation even more and they want to avoid it as much as possible. Preparations start with those rumours about health. Я читал в местных новостях Словакии, что здоровье президента Путина ухудшается. Звучит как информационная подготовка к возможному покушению - отравлению и тогда можно сказать "да, эти проблемы со здоровьем, те уже были известны". Люди по-разному воспримут уход из жизни естественно, тогда убийство - покушение еще больше укрепит русскую нацию, и они хотят по возможности этого избежать. Подготовка начинается с этих слухов о здоровье? https://spravy.pravda.sk/svet/clanok/622136-putin-ma-udajne-rakovinu-tvrdi-sprava-zakazaneho-ruskeho-media/ https://www.denik.cz/staty-mimo-eu/spekulace-o-zdravi-putina-poskozeny-mozek-zpravodajske-sluzby.html

11:04 03.04.2022

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Michal Michal



I created this question to uncover the vicious plans against president Putin in a good intention to avoid them. I would be glad if I am mistaken.

There is a problem with question creation on your page - there is a limit to the amount of characters, I could not add all the resources and I had to shorten the question as much as possible to be able to add those 2 links.
It would be good to make a change in the code of your web application, so that the questions can consist of more text.

I tried to send additional resources to admin per email, but it doesn't send the email - I don't know why. I received email from admin of fct-altai , but it doesn't let me respond it.

17:39 03.04.2022

Michal Michal


When I try to answer admin's email, I receive:

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please contact your system administrator.

If you do so, please include this problem report. You can
delete your own text from the attached returned message.

The mail system


Reporting-MTA: dns; gmmr3.centrum.cz
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 37A1C18008C96
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; libor.x@centrum.sk
Arrival-Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2022 13:31:07 +0200 (CEST)

Final-Recipient: rfc822; moderator@fct-altai.ru
Original-Recipient: rfc822;moderator@fct-altai.ru
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: dns; emx.mail.ru
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550 5.1.1 Bad destination mailbox address: invalid mailbox. Local mailbox moderator@fct-altai.ru is unavailable: user not found

17:43 03.04.2022

Michal Michal


Additional information to the question:

In Google if you for example search for words 'Putin zdravie' - Putin healths

It found many websites - news in Slovak and in Czech language. Some are online sites, other like Pravda can be read online and also in a classic printed form








https://www.ta3.com/clanok/232685/zakazane-media-naznacuju-ze-putin-ma-rakovinu-je-to-atlet-je-absolutne-fit-tvrdi-lukasenko TA3 is also a TV station, they broadcast news





17:46 03.04.2022

Асланян Георгий


Прекратите загрязнять инфополе фейкометательством.

17:53 03.04.2022

Michal Michal


Асланян Георгий
Prestaňte znečisťovať informačné pole falošným hádzaním.


1. I only asked a question.

2. And I marked my own messages as complaints, so that admin can read them. Those messages are intended for admin.

18:09 03.04.2022



Michal Michal
I tried to send additional resources to admin per email, but it doesn't send the email - I don't know why. I received email from admin of fct-altai , but it doesn't let me respond it.

Unfortunately, some our services still refer the old domain fct-altai.ru
We shall fix it ASAP

The question size is limited intentionally. If you need more space, you may add a comment inside the discussion area

04:13 06.04.2022



Фейки о болезнях первых лиц - это обычная практика информационной войны. Они всегда были и всегда будут.
И убрать нашего Президента любым способом мечтают многие.

Не дождётесь!

04:41 06.04.2022

Michal Michal


Thank you for your answer, Dimitrij.

This question is really not so important, there is no time to answer every western lie and absurdity. Don't waste your time with responding, there are more important things to discuss in 1 - 1,5 hour per week.

And your books are really great, The third one about the war is most interesting, but also the second about the state. There is a publisher in Czech republic, who published 1., 2. and 3. part O mire krivykh zerkal, so we can read them here as well.

18:58 06.04.2022



Это Алтай
